Dear All, Remember to Practise Your Rage.
Practising Getting Angry for no reason, frees up energy for your life.

A Deeper Movement : Calling You Home
Change is the natural state of being, for that new ways of navigating, collaborating and communicating are needed.

The Context : Deepening Into Initiation Midwifery
My background and how i am discovering there is a real job for me and a path.

The Great invitation of Tools : To Become More Fully Human
The internet is a tool, my spoon is a tool, Artificial Intelligence is a tool. Human beings are not tools.

What Is a System?
Every system is built and sustained by the humans that engage with it. Learn to recognise this and you are free to create something else.

Women as Key To A Being Centred Culture
When a society values doing above being, an insatiable appetite for more is perpetuated.
Being centred society is intrinsically circular and allows space for the spectacular nature of life to BE at the centre.

Let Go of Myth,Step Closer to Reality
The first step in coming home to our selves and the planet, is being brave enough to see through the myths we tell ourselves.

The Earth Is Fine - How are you?
“All is well”, I heard her reply, over and over. “All is well”.

Gentle Men And Patriarchy
“Within a patriarchal society, men are just as suppressed as women”