Hello Village

Today I was running around the estuary in Motueka and I felt the impulse to introduce myself to you BECAUSE I do not think I have ever done that! AND I am taking a stand for Authentic Initiation into Adulthood to be a path that young people leaving high school can choose to step onto. To make it real, to make it accessible to make it normal. For that path to be held by the whole village.

I first came into contact with the tools and distinctions of Possibility Management in 2021 when I was living in Whangarei working in the operating theaters as a registered nurse. A mutual friend put me in contact with Julia Neumann because I was RANTing to her and she simply said, "it sounds like you are angry, contact this woman”. I did not think I was angry. But I quietly signed up to an online rage club run by Annika Korsten and Julia and sat through the whole 4 weeks watching, not saying anything, eyes wide. Then I would go and practice alone in the dark on the beach. I both resented rage club and loved it. I immediately did the next one. I was very very scared, and something was coming to life in me also. 

Fast forward to now and I have been through a total of: 

- 4 Rage Clubs, 

- two Reclaim your Warrioress through the Combat Center with Janet Redmond and Sally Greenwood, 

- Two Expand The Boxes. 

- Four Possibility Laboratories

- one Rage Club Space holder Training, 

- 100s of hours of Emotional Healing Processes, 

- written 50 plus medium articles, a little booklet on change, 

- been in one experiment in buying and living on land in the context of possibility management

- completed one Rage Club spaceholder training. 

- Apprentice spaceheld for a Rage day, a Rage Club and a Fear Club,

- done a Fear Club Spaceholder Training, 

- Spaceholder Trainer immersion,

- 1 and a half Building Communication Bridges, 

- lived in 3 next culture research settings, 

- done my first vision quest, 

- Been through three 7 day Emotional Healing Intensives.

- Cooked for and participated in Radically Alive

- Lived in a Women’s Bridgehouse. 

- I have loved immersing myself in the RAW gameworld, unfolding it, uploading episodes, writing, editing and asking questions. 

- Completed one 3x3x3 practice.

- Been through one gremlin 0 training

- one 6 week one on one Gremlin coaching

I am writing this because in some ways this is my Curriculum Vitae. It is a path I have authentically shaped for myself and been shaped by. I am now no longer a nurse. Instead I hold space, I heal, write experiments and books, I edit Edgecasts and ask questions. I am a pain in the arse because I fit nowhere and everywhere. It is a path that is impossible to walk alone. It was only possible because of every person and team of people that showed up at all hours of the day and night, on line, in person, in writing and recordings. 

I have been so fed and nourished by you. I have been held by you, witnessed by you, coached by you, I have grieved with you.  I have roared with you, roared at you, shared rides with you, been fed by you, listened to your wisdom and completely fallen apart with you. I have held space for some of you and you have read my words. You have offered kindness, encouragement, and your sword in service of my unfolding. 

Each time I stepped into thin air, there was always at least one person there to catch me. Even the moments that I fell for a very long time without being rescued, without being put back together, when I walked totally alone, it was for me. In doing so I found more of me. More to love, more space for me to move. More space within me to be in contact with you.

Mine is the path of Authentic Initiation because there is within me, a part that simply must unfold into the fullness of this life. I am also writing this so you can see how it might go to step into nothingness and decide to start sourcing an Authentic path into your Adulthood. There is no one way and there are people to guide you the whole way. Show up and do the work, you will be surprised by the treasures that unearth themselves in doing so. 

Today I still feel like I am only scratching the top of the iceberg. I am now living with Julia, Annika and Micheal in Motueka, writing another book, writing experiments for the Start Over Game, holding spaces for other people to write. 

AND I realized it all started with rage. I care about those low levels of conscious anger that you might still be scared of. 2-5% that rolls up under your skin, when someone steps into your bubble. That 2-10% that is overriden, numbed or reasoned away. I care that you start experimenting, so that an authentic path unfolds before you. I care because authentic initiation into adulthood is how humanity stands a chance on earth. There is no better way than to simply start. 

Scared. Messy. Imperfect. Simply start.

I am Millicent.

Deepest Gratitude to The Giants, Upon whose shoulders I stand:

Julia Neumann

Melissa Turnbull

Annika Korsten

Sybille Beirdert

Ana Norambuena

Tristan Girdwood

Gabriel Millinger

Janet Redmond

Sally Greenwood

Jay Bennet

Maria Diaz

Clinton Callahan

Kiri Bear

Derek Jensen

James Andrews

Dan Palmer

And to the hundreds of others who have been with me in whatever big or small way that has been. I am so lucky to have the chance to continue to walk with you.


Reaching Out


Dear All, Remember to Practise Your Rage.