The Context : Deepening Into Initiation Midwifery
There are many layers to the unfolding of something else on this planet. Words are needed to write something else and new skills are needed to bring humans closer to each other and closer to the earth. Closer, in essence to reality. The directions are many folds. There are as many new threads to weave and territories to inhabit as there are mycelium under the earth.
One thing that is sorely needed are initiations. And people to hold that space. I have found myself, through my necessity a job and a path to be able to do that job. In that job I found there are layers and layers of new skills for me to develop one such set of skills is that of holding space for someone to feel, heal and discover more about themselves. The importance of this is not to be underestimated. As the earth rolls and turns under her covers, asking for a change of heart from people. As the force of evolution call s humanity closer to reality to be moved also by evolution, the scene is set for a tremendous waking up. The colours of it will be vibrant. The vibratory wave lengths of each of those colours is already in motion, slowly moving. This is happening already you will hear it if you listen.
I have a background in classical Nursing, I was initiated into that work force through the operating theatres. Hour after hour I stood, surgery after surgery, instrument after instrument, layer upon layer of flesh and blood. Bone and chisel. Nurse and doctor. Sleep and awake, birth and death. The hushed corridors of an intensely focused work force were my training ground. I did that until I was shook from the clutches of that profession to pursue, I deeper calling. That of my own deep questioning. To be frank I feared the fall out of the covid period, and I questioned deeply the motives of my profession. My registration as a nurse was under question if I did not get myself vaccinated. I was scared that the real question I was being asked was not about how well I could do science or reason, or ethically stand with someone as they investigated their health and made a wholehearted decision, science backed and free of persuasion. No what was being questioned was how well I would submit to the powers of a regulatory body. How well I could shut up, how well I could follow orders. My blood boiled under my skin. I did not have words for it at the time but as I looked at down at my nursing slippers and those of the healthcare body in which I had been admitted, I noticed they were not walking in the same direction. Mine were taking steps closer to something authentic, I did not know it at the time, but I now see I was walking myself closer and closer to my own heartbeat. While those of the health care body where walking, closer and closer towards a generic, stylised Electrocardiogram reading, that almost no living human exhibits.
I parted directions with my registration, but I never buried the Hippocratic oath “first do no harm” those words I keep as I walk in my, mostly bare foot direction. I did not put down my promise to serve, I still wear my commitment to care, to ethical practice, to the right to information and freedom to choose. I carry wrapped in the sinew of my bones, the deep knowing that every human, including me has the right to universal unbiased healthcare, and a life free from suffering. I take a stand for that and more.
I take a stand for a future that serves humans in their fullest aliveness, and an earth that is free to move in her ways without a strait jacket of human toxic effluent or plastic wrapped oceans. I take a stand for the fullness of the human spirit and the initiation that is necessary to free the adult inside humans to act in move in a way that expresses the ecstasy of who they are. My path has been wonderful and wild, deeply unexpected and jam packed full of moments of humans taking responsibility for extraordinary levels of healing and visions. There is a healing going on and life is at our sides.
Midwifery is an art and a science. It requires intimate anatomical knowledge and a heart broken open to life’s fullness. A midwife acts as a point of contact between the emerging, the emerged and the yet to be gestated. She is generally female and holds a wisdom in her body of the process of birthing. Her training is long, careful and through it she is profoundly changed. Most midwives come to the profession through a calling, an inbuilt knack for it, they have a pull to the profession like gravity.
Initiation is any process that allows a person to take more responsibility and create real results in their life. The earth needs new real results, humans need new real results. For that initiation is essential.
What really is initiation? Gabriela Fagundes and I speak about this here.
Example: In this video I hold space for one woman, Janet Redmond, who has been an initiation midwife to me. She has held the space for many layers of my own birthing and healing. From her I have learnt about the art of presence and being with, of timing and the power of witnessing: